Declaration of Principles



We seek to preserve, cherish and celebrate those values that are spiritually appropriate and are worth preserving. 

These values will guide the development of our human and natural resources.

We seek to apply these values in all our activities and relationships so that the content of our lives will be loving, just, peaceful, healthy, regenerative, creative and expansive.

We place the utmost value on life; to the sensitive awareness of our rights and responsibilities in participation with the spirit of all life’s manifestations; to the right of all creatures to live and provide for life in the natural order; to the pursuit of knowledge, happiness and natural liberty; to the creative process and the freedom of expression.

To these ends we pledge to:

  • Treat the Earth as a non-renewable resource.

  • Conserve the products of the land and use them wisely.

  • Communicate with and respect other people without having to understand them; understand people without having to agree with them; and attempt to grow from these relationships.

  • Reach inside, then outside, to resolve conflicts.

  • Realize the value of the “Community of Lights” the potential divinity of individuals and humanity.

  • Establish enterprises in which the producers take pride in quality of labor, goods and services.

  • Create lifestyles which allow for peaceful, progressive and realistic development.

  • Explore the interplay between the individual and the community.

  • Explore the Aesthetic, to foster sensitive perception.

  • Seek to eliminate unnecessary pain in relationships. Seek the most harmonious, balanced and healthy approach to any relationship.

  • Strive to use the principles of nature to guide human effort in solving problems.

  • Encourage open mindedness.

  • Support creativity and the necessity of expressiveness.

  • Discuss all ramifications of taking life.

  • Claim the validity of both urban and rural life.

  • Encourage the sharing of community resources as a basis for our common economic relationships, treating these resources with respect.

  • Learn from others and teach what we have learned.



Uptop is an intentional community of friends and families who came together in West Virginia. We strive to learn from each other and enjoy the wonders of our natural bounty.


Take Action

Uptop is funded by approximately 20 families who contribute to its development. Please consider an annual increase to your commitment so Uptop can reach its fund raising goal.