Aerial view

Cider Season group photo

Field trip to Teets Apple Farm group photo

Apple Farm field trip

Apple farmer Paul Teets harvests scions from our Firesides. They became trees.

Karen’s nice work space. Arya on lookout.

Arya in April snow

The Bowl, Spring 2021

The Bowl, Fall 2021

Had some indoor accomplishments too. Not all connected to food, though Patty’s curtains are in the Blueberry room. Look for Stan’s son David in the Earth Day group photo.


The design for the Bowl takes shape, thanks to Dave the mower

Dave in the Paw Paw Patch

Dave in the shade

Dave in the snow

The Bowl Garden

Dave and Keith admire the progress

Karla and Frances critique the stone circle

Frances and Nancy

Among the many strong friendships forged Uptop

Frances and old friends Jane and John Riffe in the small barn. Their family were stakeholders in People’s National Bank in Rowlesburg, holder of the original mortgage for the farm.

Frances and John Riffe

Dave with John Riffe in the third peninsula

A visit from the Danes

Donny and Karla’s niece Hedvig and her family enjoyed their visit Uptop

What a year for fruit

The blueberries were a big hit. Gregers shown

Would this be a good place for sleeping cabins? View from the Nine gate toward the gas well in the horseshoe turn

Looking toward the Nine gate from the gas well field

Simon and his Poo emoji

Betsy and Miko on a hike, Julie wielding clippers

Where the hike led

Farm house with Southern Pokeweed.

New orchard in lower part of bowl.