
Uptop has carried a positive balance through the year. Our building loan in headed into its final two years! Our insurance policy is due in July, so we need everyone who can to pay their annual dues.

Your Board of Stewards

Each year, the shareholders elects the BOS. The BOS consists of 7 members including the President- Dave Davis, the Secretary- Nancy Abrams, the Treasurer- Tim O’Hagan, and members Karen Adler, Evan Reifman, Phil Schenk, and Andy Eisenberg. Other members join the BOS conference call every month and they include Donny Barth, Jake O’Hagan, and Mike Erickson.

This year, after years of valued service, Phil Schenk has decided to step down from the BOS and thus there is an open BOS seat. If you would like to join the BOS, please let us know and we will include your nomination during the shareholder’s meeting.

Cabin Refresh Update

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