
The Uptop Agriculture Corporation is proposed to allow Uptop to participate in UDSA ARS programs.  By participating in these programs, Uptop will gain expert advice, planning, and potential funding to further develop Uptop’s conservation and agricultural development efforts.


When Uptop was founded by the original 6 50 years ago, it was with the intent to become a farm, art project, and alternative community. Many were asked to come to Uptop to have a rural experience, help with the farming and fencing of sheep, and enjoy the nature and beauty of West Virginia.  This generosity was seized upon by many who were like-minded, wanting experiences that gets them closer to nature, closer to their food, while recognizing that the rural lifestyle can also have many health benefits.

Today, many Uptoppers are now or nearing retirement.  Uptop presents an opportunity for many in retirement to have active lifestyles, explore themselves and nature, and even produce some amount of the food we need to sustain ourselves.

Long-Term Vision

Further develop Uptop’s conservation and small-scale food production to allow for all Uptoppers to get closer to nature and their sustenance Uptop.  With the help of programs that the USDA provides, we can learn more about best management practices, and build a lifestyle that allows for greater levels of activity, engagement, with the potential to adding healthy and active years to our lives.

Supporting Documents

Please see links below to all documents

Required forms for USDA that Mike has already reviewed and shared with BOS

Success Story

Golden-Winged Warbler Website

Draft Conservation Land Lease

This lease entered into this day of October ____, 2023, is between Uptop, Inc., owner of 123 acres at address:



and Uptop Agriculture Company LLC, lessee of land, at

office address:



and is for that part of the 123-acre property described as “land designated for conservation efforts.”

General Terms of Lease

1. Continuing Lease. The term of the lease shall be year(s), commencing on Date ______________, and shall continue in effect from year to year thereafter until a stop date is mutually set.

2. Amendments. Amendments and alterations to this lease shall be in writing and shall be signed by both parties.

3. Arbitration of Differences. Any differences between the parties as to their several rights or obligations under this lease that are not settled by mutual agreement after thorough discussion, shall be submitted for arbitration to a committee of three disinterested persons, one selected by each party hereto and the third by the two thus selected. The committee’s decision shall be accepted by both parties.

Owner Signature  Authority ____________________________________________________________________

Lessee Signature Authority ____________________________________________________________________