A sample screen from the panoramas with all the navigational controls showing

 Panoramas from farm report

Select the link below to open the interactive farm report. It contains forty 360 stills and thirty second 360 videos. Most of the nodes (360 still image) are the data sample locations for the report. The remaining are at points of interest on the farm. Using the screen capture above as a reference, please note the following starting at the top left of the image:

  • The compass denotes the direction the current node is facing. Click and drag to move the panorama and note the compass follows your movements.

  • The X and the map icon. Select the map icon to open and close the map. Select the X icon to close the map. Once opened the map will stay open as you jump from node to node. The map is a topographical one of the farm with red location point icon being the current node and all blue location point icons the rest. Note the shadowed V from the current (Red) node denotes the field of view and direction you are viewing. You can jump to any node by clicking on its location point icon.

  • The circle cross hairs represent a mother node. Selecting it will jump you to that node. Rolling over it with your mouse will pop up a preview of it.

  • Along the bottom are a scrolling list of thumbnails of all the nodes that can be used to jump between nodes.

  • Along the very bottom are 7 icons. From left to right they are; zoom in, zoom out, start auto-rotate, show user data, show / hide thumbnail menu, change perspective, enter fullscreen.

  • Selecting the 360 video icon at the bottom center will jump you to a 30 second 360 video of the current node with audio.


Links to PDF Reports

Uptop Soil Report

Uptop Blissful Forest Resource Report

A special thanks for their support of this report

Micheal, Phil, Tim & Julie, Nancy & Stan, Mike, Dave, Karla, Don and dogs everywhere