Making a Contribution


Participating in the work of Uptop

There is always something to do Uptop. From mowing the yard, to pruning in the orchard, one can always find a meaningful task that provides gratifying results. Projects often involve many ways to contribute, but there is nothing like a few able hands to do the heavy lifting. Thanks to all who over the years have gotten things done Uptop.

Funding Uptop

Shareholder annual dues are $150. This goes toward basic maintenance of Uptop, electric bills, and other charges to keep things going.

Annual and Monthly Contributions: Uptop has a building loan that will be paid-off in July of 2022 and we need your help to make monthly loan payments. Currently, we just get by each month on these payments and all shareholders are encouraged to make additional annual or monthly payments as is reasonable for themselves and their family.



How to contribute

By check: please send your annual dues or monthly contributions payable to Uptop Inc, and send to Uptop Inc. CO Nancy Abrams @ 1309 Jacobs Dr., Morgantown, WV 26505.

By Venmo: friend UptopWV and David Davis and your contributions will go directly into Uptop’s bank account.