Another Post in Mike E.'s Tiny House

  Welcome Uptop. Come on in, take yer shoes off, set a spell!

Thinking about tiny houses…

Get and/or dig rocks …walls will have 3 layers: a 1’-thick stone wall, a 1’-foot-thick gap, and then another 1’-thick stone wall. Find some limestone. Grind it up until it's dust. Then, put it in a pot of water and boil it, stirring as you go. Mix some dirt in. Congratulations! You just made mortar.

I’ve had my eye on some stone piles Uptop for years!

Thinking about trees…       …intact, old-growth forests sequestered 950 million to 1.11 billion metric tons of carbon per year while younger forests—those that have been growing less than 140 years—stored between 1.17 and 1.66 billion metric tons per year.

I love to think we could improve our Uptop forests, make new space in a 10-acre plot of woods, and sequester more carbon from the atmosphere in the fight against climate change! Then 50 acres?

Thinking about putting down deep rooted sunflowers…              Creating crops with deeper roots could soak up much more carbon dioxide from the air, help mankind fight global warming and lead to more drought-tolerant varieties, a British scientist says in a study. Kell calculated that even a 2 percent increase in soil carbon down to 2 meters could lead to an extra 100 tonnes of carbon per hectare if that carbon stays in the soil for at least two years.

Wow, I can plant sunflowers, love ‘em, eat ‘em, fiber ‘em, &  improve the soil/CO2/air  at the same time?

Best Movies of Late?  = Climate Change Demystified  = Why I had only ½ a cinnamon bun this morning!

Best Idea Ever?   Take over IDOT: spend their $3.08 billion dedicated to sprawl on bikes & peds instead!

Yeah, I think so…8546 miles of biking-ly blissful roads in the 7-county NEIL region? Only $1.7 billion tops. I’ve got plenty of time, so I’ll map out the other parts of the State too. Thanks to the City and ATA for the base-maps, and Covid-19 for the extra time. Beats jig-saw puzzles, right?

Hope ya’ll are hunkering down in comfort! Here’s yer hat. What’s yer hurry?

Sincerely, Mike E.